Lake Nakuru National Park


About Lake Nakuru National Park

Nestled in the heart of Kenya’s Great Rift Valley, Lake Nakuru National Park stands as a testament to the country’s commitment to preserving its natural wonders. Boasting the illustrious Lake Nakuru, a soda lake famed for its shimmering pink hue created by vast colonies of flamingos, this park is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and bird lovers alike.

The history of Lake Nakuru National Park is as rich as its biodiversity. Established in 1968, it initially served as a sanctuary for birds, particularly the flourishing flamingo populations residing along the lake’s shores. Over the years, the park’s boundaries expanded, encompassing diverse habitats such as woodlands, grasslands, and rocky escarpments, providing a sanctuary for a myriad of species.

Today, Lake Nakuru National Park is home to over 400 bird species, including African Fish Eagles, Slender-billed Greenbuls, and Rufous-throated Wrynecks. The sight of flamingos, both greater and lesser, adorning the lake’s waters is a spectacle to behold, drawing visitors from around the globe.

Beyond its avian inhabitants, the park shelters a diverse array of wildlife, including endangered species such as the Rothschild’s Giraffe and both black and white Rhinos. Lions, leopards, giraffes, waterbucks, and impalas roam the savannah grasslands, offering visitors unforgettable encounters with Africa’s iconic fauna.

Activities within Lake Nakuru National Park cater to all tastes. Guided game drives provide opportunities for close encounters with the park’s inhabitants, while birdwatching excursions unveil the mesmerizing avian diversity. Hiking trails lead to panoramic viewpoints, offering breathtaking vistas of the surrounding landscapes.

Lake Nakuru itself stands as the park’s centerpiece, its alkaline shores attracting not only flamingos but a myriad of other bird species. The park’s waterfalls, such as the majestic Makalia Falls, provide tranquil spots for picnics and hikes amidst nature’s splendor.

Accessing Lake Nakuru National Park is convenient, whether by road from Nairobi or via Naishi airstrip for those preferring air travel. Accommodation options cater to various preferences and budgets, ranging from luxury lodges like Sarova Lion Hill Lodge to camping sites such as Rhino Campsite, allowing visitors to immerse themselves fully in the park’s enchanting ambiance.

In summary, Lake Nakuru National Park stands as a testament to Kenya’s dedication to conservation and ecotourism. With its breathtaking scenery, diverse wildlife, and captivating birdlife, a visit to this remarkable park promises an unforgettable safari experience in the heart of East Africa.


The best time to visit Lake Nakuru is during the dry season, from July to October, when wildlife viewing is optimal.

Home of

Black and white rhinos

Peak Time

Jul - Oct

Famous For

A habitat to over 100 endangered Rhinos distributed between the black and white rhinos

Best Time to Visit

Jul - Oct, Jan - Feb

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 Yes, Lake Nakuru National Park is worth visiting for its stunning scenery, diverse wildlife, and the chance to see flocks of flamingos.

 Lake Nakuru is renowned for its large population of pink flamingos that flock to its shores, creating a stunning pink spectacle. Additionally, the park is home to both black and white rhinos.

Yes, Lake Nakuru National Park is home to a population of lions, although sightings may not be as common as in other parks.

The cost of a game drive at Lake Nakuru National Park can vary depending on the tour operator and package chosen.

Tourists visit Lake Nakuru to witness the breathtaking sight of thousands of flamingos gathered along its shores, as well as to enjoy wildlife viewing and birdwatching opportunities.

The most common way to get from Nairobi to Lake Nakuru is by road, either by private vehicle, taxi, or organized tour.

The best time to visit Lake Nakuru is during the dry season, from June to October, when wildlife congregates around the lake, and birdlife is abundant.

Yes, Lake Nakuru National Park is home to a population of elephants, among other wildlife species.

The main attraction is Lake Nakuru itself, renowned for its vibrant pink hue created by thousands of flamingos.

Visitors can encounter a variety of wildlife including rhinos, giraffes, lions, leopards, waterbucks, and numerous bird species.

The best time is during the dry season from July to October, when wildlife is abundant and the weather is pleasant.

 Flamingos can be seen at Lake Nakuru throughout the year, although their numbers may vary depending on water levels and other factors.

 In addition to flamingos, visitors to Lake Nakuru may see rhinos, giraffes, buffaloes, zebras, and various bird species.

Nakuru is famous for its beautiful lake, wildlife reserves, and the spectacular pink flamingo spectacle at Lake Nakuru National Park.

Lake Nakuru is known for its large population of flamingos and rhinos, while Lake Naivasha is famous for its birdlife, including fish eagles and pelicans, as well as recreational activities like boat safaris.

Lake Nakuru can be reached by road from Nairobi or other nearby towns, with several tour operators offering transportation services.

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