Travel Information

Kenyan Climate

Kenya’s climate varies across the country, from tropical humidity on the coast to dry heat in the savannah or semi-arid parts and chilly air in the mountains. Temperatures in these places are very consistent year round, with an average of 27°C (80°F) along the coast and 21°C to 27°C (70°F to 80°F) in the hinterland, while daytime temperatures in Nairobi and the highlands above 5,000 feet typically range between 19°C and 24°C (66°F to 75°F).

Most sections of the country have two rainy seasons: the ‘long rains’ that last ten weeks from April to June, and the’short rains’ that last five weeks from November to December. The rain falls primarily at night and is typically a quick and strong tropical rainfall. In Kenya, rain may fall outside of the typical rainy season.

Please keep in mind that temperatures in the highlands north of Nairobi can be exceedingly cold at night or in the early mornings, especially in June, July, and August, so tourists should take some warm clothing.

For the most recent weather forecasts, visit the Kenya Meteorological Department website:  or Contact Daylight Adventures & Safaris for more information on the climate in Kenya.

Health Advice when visiting Kenya

There are no mandatory vaccinations necessary for entry into Kenya unless you are entering from a Yellow Fever-infected area, in which case travelers above the age of one year must present a Certificate of  vaccination against Yellow Fever. Visitors from other African countries where Yellow Fever may exist, such as Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Uganda, must have a Yellow Fever certificate. The WHO updates this list of nations based on current illness patterns.

Some countries, such as Australia, Bahrain, China, South Africa, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Oman, Rwanda, Seychelles, Singapore, Tanzania, Thailand, and Uganda, require visitors from Kenya or elsewhere in East Africa to present a Yellow Fever vaccination certificate. So, if you’re traveling to one of these countries after visiting Kenya, you’ll need a Yellow Fever certificate.

Other suggested vaccinations include Typhoid, Hepatitis, and Polio, although you should seek more thorough advice from a skilled medical practitioner based on your specific condition. All tourists entering the country by any point of entry will no longer be needed to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a pre-departure COVID-19 test.

Antimalarial treatment is considered vital. Antimalarial medications should be taken prior to travel and continued for four weeks after departing Kenya. It is also recommended to try to avoid mosquito bites by applying repellent and wearing appropriate cover-up clothing in the evening.

Good hospitals can be found in Kenya’s major cities, while modest health centers in rural areas provide basic first assistance. It is very necessary that all visitors have some type of medical insurance to cover any possibilities. Kenya has an exceptional Flying Doctor service in case of a medical emergency when on safari distant from urban areas. Hotels and resorts provide clean drinking water, but if in doubt, please consume bottled mineral water. Drinking water from the tap should be avoided.

Kenya Tourist And Security Information & Helpline

We want you to have a great time in Kenya without having to worry too much about security or safety issues. Kenya’s tourism sector takes visitor safety and every aspect of a visitor’s stay in Kenya extremely seriously. In order to ensure that visitor safety is a top priority, the industry established a Safety and Communication Center under the direction of the Kenya Tourism Federation (KTF). This center is open around-the-clock and is manned by staff who monitor visitor safety and maintain close communication with Kenyan security agencies. The Kenya Associations of Tour Operators (KATO), Hotelkeepers and Caterers (KAHC), Travel Agents (KATA), Air Operators (KAAO), Ecotourism Society of Kenya (EK), and Mombasa and Coast Tourism Association (MCTA) are among the top trade associations for the tourism industry that are represented by the Kenya Tourism Federation.

Trained personnel are on duty at the Kenya Tourism Federation Safety and Communication Center, ready to assist with any concerns that travelers may have. These cover things like health, road conditions, travel advisories, and tourist security. Daylight Adventures & Safaris Safaris maintains tight communication with the KTF Safety & Communications Centre for information on Kenyan security and tourism, and we receive monthly updates from the Kenya Tourism Federation on matters pertinent to our customers’ safety.

Global Terrorist Threats:

There is a persistent risk for many free world nations that sporadic acts of terrorism may transpire with the aim of inciting fear and interfering with international travel. Attacks in public spaces of cities frequented by foreign tourists are typically carried out by individuals driven by the conflict in Gaza and Ukraine, frequently with little to no prior notice. Such attacks have occurred in a number of different nations recently, including the US, Russia and France. 

International terrorists continue to pose a threat to Kenya, as evidenced by several incidents, including the 2013 attack at the Westgate shopping mall, which garnered extensive media attention, and the January 15, 2019, terrorist attack in the Nairobi suburb of Westlands. A few armed attackers broke into the Riverside Park business complex, which is home to office buildings, a bank, a hotel, and other commercial establishments, during the Westlands incident. Terrorists inside the main hotel building fired shots and set off explosives.

As soon as the Kenyan tourist security officers came on the site, they got to work cordoning off the area, evacuating civilians, and neutralizing the terrorists. The event began at approximately 3:30 pm, and Kenyan security personnel cleared the building floor by floor throughout the course of the night. The incident ended at daytime, and all of the terrorists were slain, but not before they had injured more than fifty bystanders and killed at least twenty innocent individuals. On January 16, President Kenyatta made a national broadcast to reassure people that the event was ended and that all of the terrorists had been slain.

The President praised the security services’ prompt and efficient action in taking out the terrorists and rescuing and evacuating more than 700 citizens from the building. Additionally, he expressed gratitude to the hospital staff and emergency medical services for their tireless efforts in tending to the injured around-the-clock. “I thank our international partners who are showing solidarity by standing with us at this moment, as they always have,” President Kenyatta said in closing. We are, and will continue to be, extremely vigilant. I promise all visitors, both international and Kenyan, that you are safe. Now let us go to work fearlessly and carry on with our nation-building efforts. Bless Kenya, oh God. May God bless every single one of you.

We can attest that despite this occurrence, Nairobian life swiftly returned to normal; all services were up and running, people were going to work, and people were going about their everyday lives as usual. All of our foreign guests carried on with their safaris, and airports and tourism centers operated normally although with increased security measures in place for tourists. The main tourist spots in Kenya are still open to nationals of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union. 

Since we live in Kenya and conduct our everyday business in Nairobi, we are in a good position to guarantee the security of each and every one of our clients. Since we’ve been here for five years, we’ve taken care of hundreds of guests, and our top goal is their safety. In order to ensure that our clients are safe, we have implemented the following measures:

  • We monitor the advise of foreign embassies based in Kenya to ensure we follow their Travel Advisories  and we stay up to date on the security situation for tourists around the clock. As of right now, it is advised not to travel within 60 kilometers of Somalia, and we avoid traveling within 200 kilometers of the country’s border.
  • We meet our guests on arrival at the international airport and transfer them to Nairobi hotels which are in safe locations.
  • We advise visitors not to venture out into Nairobi’s back alleyways or roam around on their own; instead, let us transport them so they won’t unintentionally enter an area that we wouldn’t consider to be completely safe. Similar to regions of Europe or North America, certain parts of a city could not be deemed suitable for tourists; we are aware of which locations in Nairobi should be avoided.
  • Our guests can be met at the airport upon their arrival, and we are prepared to attend to their needs from the moment of arrival until their last departure.
  • We have been to meetings with senior government officials from the Office of the President and the Security Services, as well as the embassies of nations like the USA, UK, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, and others, to discuss ways to reduce risks for tourists and ways to combat the threat of terrorism. These meetings have been facilitated by our industry associations and the Kenya Tourism Federation, which represents the private sector.

Kenyans are renowned for being quite hospitable and pleasant, and many of our guests tell us that they felt incredibly safe and well-cared for while they were here. Since English is the official language of Kenya (Swahili is the national language), visitors will find it easy to speak with Kenyans as English is taught in schools.

We use safe accommodations far from the districts that have been advised to be avoided, so as to reassure guests who might be nervous about visiting Nairobi.

All of Kenya’s tourist information, facilities, and services, including security, are operating normally in the regions in which we operate, causing no disruption to our clients’ travel plans. Additionally, with all international airlines flying into Kenya, everything is running smoothly throughout the nation, welcoming hundreds of thousands of foreign visitors annually who arrive without any negative incidents. We consistently get great feedback from all of our customers regarding their experiences in Kenya, so we have no concerns about urging travelers to keep coming to this stunning nation with its breathtaking scenery, amazing wildlife, tropical beaches, and warm, welcoming locals.

Kenyan Banks, Credit Card, and Currency Details

Currency: Kenya shillings (Kshs)

Approximate Exchange Rate:

  • Kshs 164 to £1 GBP
  • Kshs 130 to $1 US Dollar
  • Kshs 140 to 1 Euro

Every major While most hotels, restaurants, and retail establishments in cities accept credit cards, this may not be the case in rural locations. Any credit card transaction usually carries an additional commission fee. Traveler’s checks can be cashed at a bank, albeit the procedure could take some time. It’s advised that you obtain any local currency you might need ahead of time by using a VISA card to withdraw cash from an ATM at a bank in Nairobi. Not all smaller safari lodges, camps, or rural hotels accept travelers checks or credit cards, and those that do may charge a surcharge or offer an unfavorable exchange rate.

Banking Hours:

9:00–14:00, Monday–Friday (16:30 in larger cities). The banks at the airport are open daily till midnight. We advise you to convert some money at the bank when you arrive because they usually provide better exchange rates than motels. A bank may be found in the arrivals hall corner of Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA). The majority of the larger towns and the Nairobi airport have ATMs that accept international Visa cards with a P.I.N. to withdraw cash.

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